Comite Resources was recently noted in, regarding the creation of a man-made floating marsh that will assist cleaning ponds in the Covington area, contaminated by storm water runoff. Gary Shaffer stated,”While water quality tests are in only the early stages, the pond has become much clearer with a huge reduction in turbidity. In addition, the frames are full of minnows and juvenile fish, which greatly improve the ecosystem function of the pond.”
Members of the Water Environment Federation, a not-for-profit technical and educational organization representing water quality professionals around the world, tour the floating marsh project in the Del Sol neighborhood in the Covington area. The group was in New Orleans for the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. “Maidencane is a good plant for this purpose. The roots grow about 20 inches deep and suck up the excess nutrients in the water and help clean the pond,” Shaffer said. “As an added benefit, the structure also becomes a huge refuge for small fish and other species.”
Comite Resources is a portfolio company of Manti Resources.